BookSwell Read & Relate: Vidchat Salon Celebrating Books

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April 24, 2020, 6 – 7 pm

What is said and what is left unsaid in poetry? How do we communicate across gulfs of understanding and secrets unspoken? How do we interpret what we hear others say?
Our journeys to the present moment have all taken different twists and turns and making connections can be remarkably tenuous in our chosen homelands. In Decoding Sparrows, author and poet Mariano Zaro brings a potent nostalgia and intimate observations to the task of tracing a journey from his boyhood Spanish village to his coming of age and arrival in California.

Join Mariano and his featured guests, Kim Dower, Alicia Elkort, and Steven Reigns, in a discussion of our journeys, forging a literary life in LA, and poetic examinations of memory and destiny.

Organized by Cody Sisco

Steven Reigns